Parable of Sower and Seed


Sunday 10AM | Wednesday 7pm (prayer at 6:30pm)

Mar. 26, 2023


How the human heart responds to the gospel message: 

  • Sower =represents Jesus..pastor….Christian worker..
  • Seed =- represents gospel message..word of God
  • Soil =represents the human heart
  1. Mr. hard-heart v.4 - Calloused heart
  2. Mr.Shallow-heart v5 - No perseverance 
  3. Mr. Overcrowded heart v.7 - Preoccupied with things of world 
  4. Fruitful heart v.20 - Applies the Gospel - 30,60,100 fold

Which soil describes your heart ?

3 Keys to develop a fruitful heart:

  1. Make a  decision to change 
  2. Stay attached to the Vine
  3. Be intentional about the Word

There is power in the seed - Romans 1:17